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Results You Need For The Life You Desire
Instead of focusing on and treating symptoms, holistic medicine seeks to discover and correct the imbalance that is causing them. At Abundant Health & Wellness, we understand that every symptom is a healing strategy, a message your body is sending to you. We seek to discover and address these root causes as well as to empower and educate you so that you can recover the abundant health of body, mind, and spirit.
Instead of focusing on and treating symptoms, holistic medicine seeks to discover and correct the imbalance that is causing them. At Abundant Health & Wellness, we understand that every symptom is a healing strategy, a message your body is sending to you. We seek to discover and address these root causes as well as to empower and educate you so that you can recover the abundant health of body, mind, and spirit.
Polly Heil-Mealey ND, D. PSc, HHP, M.Ed., CCI
Morgan Gentry
Stephen W. Hale
Tom Stokes
Massage Therapist