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Organization Overview

Insperity, a trusted advisor to America's best businesses for more than 30 years, provides an array of human resources and business solutions designed to help improve business performance. Insperity Business Performance Advisors offer the most comprehensive suite of products and services available in the marketplace. Insperity delivers administrative relief, better benefits, reduced liabilities and a systematic way to improve productivity through its premier Workforce Optimization solution. Additional company offerings include Human Capital Management, Payroll Services, Time and Attendance, Performance Management, Organizational Planning, Recruiting Services, Employment Screening, Financial Services, Expense Management, Retirement Services and Insurance Services.
Founded: April 1986
Headquarters: Houston, Texas
Locations: 60 U.S. offices
2015 Revenues: \$2.6billion
No. of Corporate Employees: 2,400
No. of Clients/Customers: More than 100,000 businesses with over 2 million employees
Stock Exchange/Ticker: NYSE/NSP
Corinn Price Executive Director, Community Involvement
Angela Conrad
Angela Haydel
Angela Jenkins
Betti Welch Manager, Learning Systems
Britney Hagendorf
Christine Pechayco
Clay Gaskamp
Dana Ledet
Dean Ryan Business Performance Advisor
Dean Ryan Ryan
Desiree Hillhouse
Gregg Harris
Jared Couvillon Business Performance Advisor
Jay Mincks Executive VP Sales & Marketing
John Sheridan
John Stanton
Josh Demilia
Judy Whitehead Sales
Kelsie Thaler
Kim Hegwood
Kim Worsham Social Engagement Specialist
Kirk Boswell
Lauren Guenter Channel Program Manager
Laurie Hiett Community Involvement Specialist
Leesa Love
Linda Moore
LInda Wiper
Mark Salazar Certified Business Performance Advisor
Mike Shawn Linskey Business Performance Advisor
Pam Prats
Pamela Prats
Penny Hill
Rich Whittington Channel Program Manager, Sales & Marketing
Richard Rawson President
Rick Neudorff
Rick Neudorff
Robert Scarfo Director of Credit Services
Roger Gaskamp Senior Vice President, Client Selection & Pricing
Russ Wright
Sybil Horn Director, Events and Projects
Tiffany Pena
Tiffany Peña
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